Operationalizing the plan

Our strategic plan is a bold approach to connect imagination with impact, and to advance Waterloo's leadership in post secondary education.  

Approval and overall structure

The 2020-2025 strategic plan was approved in October 2019.  A leadership structure was established with a focus on creating the annual planning  process for the five year period of the strategic plan. Leadership and planning principles were established and the three action teams were formed in October 2019. These teams identified initiatives to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the plan, building on Waterloo's strengths and emerging opportunities.

Early development

As action planning began, action teams aligned existing initiatives that contribute to the strategic plan goals and objectives, and identified potential new initiatives. As part of this process, three university-wide task forces on cross-cutting areas (health initiatives, innovation for entrepreneurship and commercialization, and interdisciplinary) conducted a research and analysis process to identify recommendations to inform the planning processes. Task force reports are available (login is required). Impact action theme teams incorporated and prioritized these recommendations in their planning process.

Annual planning timeline

Timeline of the strategic plan development process.