SC Goal C1

Goal C1: Be a people–centered institution committed to genuine care, concern, respect, inclusivity and well–being for all.


C1A Mobilize the wellness commitments from the Okanagan Charter and Healthy Workplace statement

C1B Nurture relationships and create a community of learners

C1C Create a supportive environment for international students

Selected initiatives

Faculty highlights

Happiness: Environment Wellness Event Series with Dr. Saamdu Chetri

In their strategic plan, the Environment faculty outlines a commitment to creating “an ethos of caring.” To help its students take care of themselves and those around them, they invited Dr. Saamdu Chetri – founding member of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan – to share his insights and ideas through a wellness event series. Read more about Environment's event focussing on community and happiness.

Faculty of Mathematics releases new Community Health and Well-being Strategy

The Faculty of Math’s Health and Well-being Strategy will provide direction on how to address current health and well-being issues, assist with the development and implementation of initiatives and programming that promotes self-care, and supports the wellness journeys of students, staff, and faculty. This Strategy aligns with the University and Faculty Strategic Plans and informed the Okanagan Charter, Wellness Collaborative priority areas, and the Healthy Workplace statement. Learn more about Math's Community Health and Well-being Strategy.

Researchers use survey data to uncover pandemic mental health insights

A PhD student in the School of Public Health and Sciences, and his supervisor, are using survey data collected by Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC) to explore the effect of the pandemic on the greater population, as well as on particular groups such as health-care workers, the LGBTQ+ population, students, and others. The goal is to help public health officials make informed, impactful decisions regarding support.

Selected indicators

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