Goal C2: Foster a connected and supportive community that inspires students, faculty, staff and alumni to achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals while feeling valued.
C2A Inspire collaboration across the institution
C2B Develop a culture of involvement that fosters inclusivity and a sense of belonging
C2C Sustain a meaningful relationship with alumni world-wide
C2D Ensure continued connection with co–op students
C2E Broaden understanding and engagement of campus communities, alumni, and partners
Selected initiatives
Creating engaging, collaborative, efficient communications that demonstrate care and concern for students
Bringing to life the Waterloo Student Experience and Engagement (WatSEE) Framework for thriving students
Embracing equity through academic advising
Fostering a supportive employee community
Exploring robust alumni engagement in remote environments
Focus: Embracing equity to foster connection and build support
Faculty highlights
Conversations Café: Speed Networking Events
The Conversations Café bring together Arts alumni across industries and students in a series of events that cover several relevant topics in the workplace today. After a panel discussion, students can participate in smaller breakout sessions for a more interactive experience. Find out more about how our alumni are supporting students.
Critical Tech Talk
In the Critical Tech Talk series, Waterloo’s six faculties co-host a techno-critical speaker and invite students and local tech sector members to participate in a discussion about responsible innovation in the local tech ecology and beyond. Critical Tech Talk is produced by Waterloo’s Critical Media Lab and sponsored by Communitech, the Office of Research, and the six faculties. Learn more about this initiative.
Luke Potwarka researching Esports motivations and experiences
With the rise in popularity of Esports, a group of researchers from Waterloo and the University of Warwick (UK) are collaborating to develop ways for event managers to create meaningful and inclusive spectator experiences. This knowledge can also be applied to enriching learning/teaching, research, and student experiences in higher education.
Connecting students with alumni
The ENV Connect community brings together students and alumni over career-driven conversations. Facilitated by the Faculty of Environment and Ten Thousand Coffees, students are given the opportunity to build their networks while gaining industry knowledge and advice from seasoned professionals. Learn more about conversations with ENV alumni.
A step in the right direction
Alumni feel new role will make a difference to Waterloo Engineering 2SLGBTQ+ community
Waterloo is committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for everyone, and has created the new role of Associate Dean of Outreach, Equity and Diversity in the Faculty of Engineering to help drive those initiatives. The role will advocate for 2SLGBTQ+ and other marginalized communities so that all faculty, staff, and students can feel confident bringing their authentic selves to every aspect of university life. Read more about how alumni are making a difference.
Selected indicators
Selected indicators are shown on an internal, password protected site. You can access it using your WatIAM account. If you need access, you can email us.