DT Goal T2

Goal T2: Enhance graduate and post–doctoral studies by emphasizing the unique attributes of the University of Waterloo and our talented and diverse graduate student community.


T2A Grow graduate work-integrated learning

T2B Increase external partnerships for graduate learning

T2C Foster an interdisciplinary environment for graduate students 

T2D Strengthen graduate student support

T2E Stimulate flexible, interdisciplinary graduate programs

Selected initiatives

Faculty highlights

The Wicked Problem of Climate Change course

An interdisciplinary undergraduate course designed and team-taught by PhD students

So-called “Wicked Problems” are some of the most complex issues our world is facing today. To solve them, we need teams of interdisciplinary experts that will bring different perspectives to the table, offering creative and innovative approaches to finding resolutions. This undergraduate course is taught by PhD candidates across the six faculties, providing professional development opportunities for them while modeling how cross-collaboration can be done effectively for undergraduates. Learn more about this initiative here

Understanding surveillance and privacy from multiple perspectives

Arts and Math professors team up to foster interdisciplinary graduate training in cybersecurity

Two professors actively teach this unique course, one from Arts and one from Math, providing a model of how to break down disciplinary silos to foster the collaboration of experts in a variety of fields to solve challenging problems. In this case, how to address issues of surveillance and privacy in an increasingly interconnected and digital world, and the implications these advanced technologies have on society. Read more about how this Waterloo interdisciplinary course.

Selected indicators

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