Betsy Zanna Athletic Excellence Award in Arts

Award type: 
Athletic awards
Varsity athlete
Award description: 

An award, valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student who is entering Year One in the Faculty of Arts and is selected to play on a varsity team at the University of Waterloo. Selection will be based on academic excellence (minimum 80% admission average) combined with athletic talent, a commitment to the team, and to Warrior Athletics. This fund is made possible by a generous donation from Betsy Zanna, a long-time employee of the Faculty of Arts, and a strong supporter of Warrior Athletics

Year One
Arts→Accounting and Financial Mgmt, Anthropology, Classical Studies, Communication Arts, Economics, English Language and Literature, Fine Arts, French Studies, Gender and Social Justice, Germanic and Slavic Studies, Global Business and Digital Arts, History, International Trade (minor), Liberal Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, Peace and Conflict Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies, Social Development Studies, Sociology and Legal Studies, Spanish and Latin American Studies
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Students considered automatically - no application.
  • Student Awards & Financial Aid
    • The Centre, Needles Hall