Faculty of Science Foundation Educational Travel Award

Award type: 
International experience awards
Award description: 

The Faculty of Science Foundation bestows this award upon undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science to support their participation in public service programs or international academic exchange programs. Up to $2,000 is available for each of the Fall and Winter terms. The maximum award per student is $1,000.

Value description: 

Multiple awards are presented annually.

Eligibility & selection criteria: 
  • participating in international exchange program or international public service program
Year Two, Year Three, Year Four
Science→Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology/CPA, Biotechnology/Economics, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Materials and Nanosciences, Mathematical Physics, Medicinal Chemistry, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Science, Science and Business, Science and Aviation
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Application required
Winter, Fall
Application deadline: 
March 15, November 15
Additional instructions: 

Students may apply through the Faculty of Science Foundation.

  • See contact detail below.
Contact detail: 

Please contact Science Engagement, if you have questions about this award.