An award, valued at $1,000, is provided annually to an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in studies at the University of Waterloo. The successful recipient will demonstrate an active academic interest in Russian Mennonite studies and will have produced a substantive research project contributing to the understanding of the Russian Mennonite experience, or will have applied for and been accepted to complete a research internship at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario at Conrad Grebel University College. This fund is made possible by a donation from J. William and Sarah Dyck.
Recipients of the award(s) will be graduate or undergraduate students who have:
- Demonstrated an ongoing, active academic interest in Russian Mennonite Studies; and
- Produced a substantive reseach project contributing to the understanding of the Russian Mennonite experience. OR
- Applied for and been accepted to complete a research internship at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario at CGUC
Contact the Dean at Conrad Gebel University College to apply for the award.
- See contact detail below.
Contact the Dean at Conrad Grebel University College for more information.