Magna New Mobility Award

Award type: 
Award description: 

Two awards, valued at $2,000 each, will be provided annually to student groups undertaking a fourth-year Capstone Design project in any program in the Faculty of Engineering. The awards will go to the projects that, in the opinion of the judges, demonstrate a potential for significant innovation in the area of electrical vehicles, connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles, automatic transmissions, or new mobility infrastructure. Electric vehicles and connected vehicles are considered priority areas. The award funds will be divided equally among the winning team members. Interested students should submit an application through the following website: This fund is made possible by a donation from Magna International Inc.

Value description: 

$2,000 divided equally among the winning team members

Eligibility & selection criteria: 
  • selection based on Capstone Design Project
Year Four
Engineering→Architecture, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Management Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Nanotechnology Engineering, Systems Design Engineering; Software Engineering
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Application required
Spring, Fall
Application deadline: 
Additional instructions: 

Apply through the Faculty of Engineering - Magna New Mobility Award

  • See contact detail below.
Contact detail: 

More information available through the Faculty of Engineering - Magna New Mobility Award