Two awards, valued at $50,000 each, will be provided to two elite student teams enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and undertaking the fourth-year Capstone Design Project. Eligible students must have completed a minimum of two BET courses (at the 300 and/or 400 level) by the end of their 4B term. Interested students must present their project idea to an interview panel in March during the 4B term. Selection will be based on how innovative the design project idea is from both a technical and business venture perspective. Student teams must work on their project for a period of four months immediately following completion of their 4B term. During this time, appropriate industry mentors are assigned to work with each project team. Funding for the two teams is made possible by a gift from ECE alumnus Chamath Palihapitiya.
Two team awards, valued at $50,000 each.
- undertaking the fourth-year Capstone Design Project
- must have completed a minimum of two BET courses (at the 300 and/or 400 level) by the end of their 4B term
- must present project idea to an interview panel in March during the 4B term
- selection based on how innovative the design project idea is from both a technical and business venture perspective
Apply through the Faculty of Engineering - Palihapitiya Venture Creation Fund
- See contact detail below.
More information available through the Faculty of Engineering - Palihapitiya Venture Creation Fund