Robin K. Banks/Pacioli Fellowship

Award type: 
Award description: 

Two fellowships, valued up to $1,500 each, are provided annually; one to an AFM student entering Year Three and one to an AFM student entering Year Four. The fellowship is based on academic merit combined with contributions and involvement in extracurricular activities. Each recipient will be required to provide a maximum of eight hours per week of teaching/research assistance for Faculty for one of their two terms. Selection of the term will be at the discretion of the recipient. Fellows will be allocated to faculty members based upon their requests for teaching/research assistance for a specific term. Applications should be submitted to the Student Awards Office during the 2B/3B terms.

Value description: 

two fellowships provided annually

Eligibility & selection criteria: 
  • minimum 80% overall average
  • demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities
  • this fellowship may not be held in conjunction with another major Waterloo award (e.g., School of Accounting and Finance Fellowship)

Year Two, Year Three
Arts→Accounting and Financial Mgmt
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Application required
Application details:
  • Complete the applicable term Undergraduate Award Application
    • At this time we are only accepting applications for awards with a Winter deadline (January - April).
    • Access the Winter Term Undergraduate Award Application on our Undergraduate Studies Form page.
    • The application for awards with deadlines in a future term will be available by the start of that term – please check back later.
    • Complete a separate application for each award you wish to be considered for.
  • A resume is also required.
Application deadline: 
July 15
  • Student Awards & Financial Aid
    • The Centre, Needles Hall