Sandra Burt Research Award

Award type: 
Award description: 

An award, valued at $500, is presented annually to a student enrolled in a 300- or 400-level Gender and Social Justice Studies (GSJ) course.  Interested students may nominate themselves by submitting a research project or paper they have submitted in the previous year (January 1– December 30) for a GSJ course. Instructors of GSJ courses may also nominate a student who has submitted an outstanding project or paper in a course they have taught during this period. This award has been established to honour the first Co-ordinator of Women’s Studies (now Gender and Social Justice), Dr. Sandra Burt. Deadline for submission of papers will be February 15 to the Gender and Social Justice Studies Office.

Year Three, Year Four
Arts→Gender and Social Justice
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Nomination required
Application deadline: 
February 15
Additional instructions: 

Submissions should be directed to the Gender and Social Justice department.

  • See contact detail below.
Contact detail: 

Please contact the Undergraduate Coordinator, Gender and Social Justice for questions regarding this award.