Sandford Fleming Foundation (SFF) Memorial Leadership Award

Award type: 
Award description: 

An award is granted to an intermediate-level undergraduate student in the Faculty of Engineering who has made outstanding contributions to the Faculty in the promotion of extracurricular activities including, but not limited to: intramural athletics, involvement with the Engineering Society and Sandford Fleming Foundation events, competitions, etc., and for the support of associations both on and off campus. Nominations may be submitted by student groups, faculty members, or other individuals and must be submitted to the Foundation before the last day of the student’s 3A term. Letters of Support from faculty members, students, and others familiar with the nominee's accomplishments are an important aspect of the selection process. Contact the Sandford Fleming Foundation for more details. The award consists of a certificate, and $1,000. This award program was established to recognize the late Professors Saip Alpay and Wm. C. Nichol, and the former Engineering students Sam Ceccerallo and Robert Elligsen.

Value description: 

One award is available and consists of:

  • a certificate
  • a citation
  • a monetary prize of $1,000

The recipient will be recognized at the annual Engineering Awards Banquet and the certificate will be presented at that time.

Eligibility & selection criteria: 
  • must be nominated by a student group, faculty member(s), or other individuals before the last day of the nominee's 3A term
  • involvement with extracurriculars such as intramural athletics, UW Engineering Society, and/or the Sandford Fleming Foundation
Year Three
Engineering→Architectural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Management Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Nanotechnology Engineering, Systems Design Engineering; Software Engineering
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Nomination required
Winter, Spring, Fall
Application deadline: 
Additional instructions: 

See the Sandford Fleming Foundation's website for further details.

  • See contact detail below.
Contact detail: