Combining my passions for aviation and the planet
University of Waterloo student shares how they didn't have to choose between geography and aviation because the school offers a combined program that includes both.
University of Waterloo student shares how they didn't have to choose between geography and aviation because the school offers a combined program that includes both.
Geography & Aviation student at the University of Waterloo gives their tips on how to have a successful first year in the aviation program.
A decade ago, Ethan caught the aviation bug, and now he's in Geography and Aviation at the University of Waterloo. His experience has been enriched with top-tier courses and flight training.
Through the collaboration of many disciplines and help from multiple faculties, Waterloo aviation students were able to use their skills in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to quantify the impacts of flight operations at our local airport on surrounding communities.
Electric aviation offers a solution to airport noise by replacing the fossil fuel engine with a quiet electric motor. Of course, there is still noise from the propeller, so how big is the reduction in noise by changing to electric power?
Selina describes her experience as a Velis Electro research assistant
Preksha from ASAP talks about her experience representing WISA and Waterloo's aviation programs.
Frosty mornings and electric aircraft performance: How are e-plane flight and charge times impacted? We highlight some of our findings from the first cool days.
Samuel from the Aviation Student Ambassador Program (ASAP) explains the importance of support and inspiration to aspiring aviators, along with his desire to bring this positive energy to the community.
Landing and taking off are two of the most important skills for pilots to learn and perfect. As electric planes target the flight school training market, one important question is, how well do e-planes (and their batteries) support this type of training?