Professor, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering

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Professor, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Professor of mechanical and aeronautical engineering, receiving his PhD from the University of Toronto in 2000. He has expertise in numerical simulation of composite structures and fabrication processes. Participated and coordinated numerous academic and industrial RD&I projects involving aerospace companies, e.g. Embraer, SAAB and Akaer.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr. Alfredo de Faria supervises graduate students within masters and doctoral programs in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. His students investigate composite aerostructures and complex fabrication processes (shot peening, riveting, welding forming and additive manufacture) from a numerical perspective.
Selected Publications:
- Guimarães GF, de Faria AR, Rego RR, D'Oliveira ALR (2023) Shot peening simulation oriented to residual stress interaction with gear grinding. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 223: article 103987.
- de Faria AR, Arakaki FK (2023) A practical technique to assess the influence of the misalignment angle of unidirectional composite fibers under compressive load. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45(5): article 246.
- Baier-Saipa JA, Baier PA, de Faria AR, Baier H (2023) Layerwise theories for composite beams with continuous and discontinuous stresses. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 98: article 104890.