Contact Information
Email: tanz@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38718
Location: ERC 2007
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Tan’s research is focused on thermochemical processes for green energy production & air emission control. He received his BSc and MSc degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing in the 1990s, and PhD degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2004. Dr. Tan’s contribution to scholarship has been recognized by international peers, as evidenced by the popularity of his technical books in his fields of research. In addition to 120 peer reviewed journal articles and 80+ conference presentations, his single-authored textbook, Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases, was downloaded 1.7+ million times globally, and another coauthored textbook was recognized as “the top-used publications on SpringerLink that concern one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”. His impact on his peer groups and the wider society is also evidenced by numerous domestic and international awards, including fellows of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr. Tan supervises graduate students within masters and doctoral programs in Thermochemical Engineering.
Selected Publications:
Z Tan, 2014. Air pollution and greenhouse gases: from basic concepts to engineering applications for air emission control, Springer Singapore.
S Souzanchi, L Nazari, KTV Rao, Z Yuan, Z Tan, CC Xu, 2023. 5-HMF production from industrial grade sugar syrups derived from corn and wood using niobium phosphate catalyst in a biphasic continuous-flow tubular reactor, Catalysis Today 407, 274-280
Y Li, Y Zhang, N Zhou, H Yu, Z Tan, 2022. Electrospun-nanofibrous Redox-active separator for enhancing the capacity of Lithium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Science 260, 117873
S Yin, R Dolan, M Harris, Z Tan, 2010. Subcritical hydrothermal liquefaction of cattle manure to bio-oil: Effects of conversion parameters on bio-oil yield and characterization of bio-oil, Bioresource technology 101 (10), 3657-3664
S Yin, Z Tan, 2012. Hydrothermal liquefaction of cellulose to bio-oil under acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions, Applied Energy 92, 234-239
W Yuan, AC Hansen, Q Zhang, Z Tan, 2005. Temperature‐dependent kinematic viscosity of selected biodiesel fuels and blends with diesel fuel, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 82 (3), 195-199