Jean Andrey

Dean, Faculty of Environment

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Dean | Faculty of Environment

Jean Andrey is a professor and Dean of the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo with an expertise in climate change adaptation, planning, sustainable transportation, hazard and risk assessment, and weather-transport interactions. She is experienced working with federal, provincial, and municipal governments as well as industry, community, professional and not-for-profit organizations on sustainable development and climate change. Jean's research is concerned with the implications of climate change for transportation infrastructure and operations and is highly regarded as a teacher and mentor to undergraduate and graduate students alike. 

Graduate Supervision: Dean Andrey supervises graduate students’ researching weather and society, hazards, climate change impacts and adaptation, transportation planning, and road safety. 

Selected Publications:

  • Matthews, L., Andrey, J., Fletcher, C., Oozeer, Y. (2021) The development of climate services to inform decisions about winter maintenance at different timescalesClimate Services 22 (April)
  • Mills, B., Andrey, J., Doherty, S., Doberstein, B., Yessis, J. (2020) Winter storms and fall-related injuries: Is it safer to walk than drive?  Weather, Climate and Society 12(3): 421-434.
  • Silver, A., Andrey, J. (2019) Public attention to extreme weather as reflected by social media activity.  Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 27(4): 346-358.