Contact Information
Email: jochen@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x32144
Location: MC 5106
Professor, Chair | Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, Faculty of Mathematics
Dr. Jochen Konemann is a professor and chair in the department of combinatorics and optimization. Earning his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, Konemann went on to teach at the University of Waterloo. His research interests include approximation algorithms, algorithmic game theory and combinatorial optimization. Konemann recently organized a Hausdorff Summer School and Workshop on combinatorial optimization and organized a Hausdorff Trimester on combinatorial optimization as well. He was also involved in the writing of the undergraduate textbook on optimization.
Selected Publications:
Approximating Stable Matchings with Ties of Bounded Size, JK, K. Pashkovich, N. Tofigzadeh
A General Framework for Computing the Nucleolus via Dynamic Programming, JK, W.J. Toth
Computing the Nucleolus of Weighted Cooperative Matching Games in Polynomial Time, JK, K. Pashkovich, W.J. Toth