John Thompson

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology

Contact Information
Phone: 519-888-4567 x84465 or x32312
Location: Needles Hall 1005

Distinguished Professor Emeritus | Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

John Thompson is a retired professor in the department of biology. His research interests included biochemistry and molecular biology of programmed cell death: the molecular basis of membrane deterioration in senescing and aging tissues; comparative aspects of senescence and stress including the role of hormones and the involvement of free radicals; functional genomics of senescence and apoptosis. 

Selected Publications:

  • F. Ma, Z. Liu, T-W. Wang, M.T. Hopkins, C.A. Peterson and J.E. Thompson. (2010). Arabidopsis eIF5A3 influences growth and the response to osmotic and nutrient stress.  Plant, Cell & Environ. (In press). 
  • B. Maier, T Ogihara, A. Trace, S. Tersey,  R.D. Robbins, S. Chakrabarti, C. Nunemaker,  N. Stull, C. Taylor,  J.E. Thompson, R. Dondero, E. Lewis, C. Dinarello, J. Nadler and R. Mirmira. (2010). The  hypusine modification of eIF5A is essential for mRNA shuttling  and translation during the cytokine response in pancreatic islets. Journal Clinical Investigation. 120, 2156-2170. 
  • Z. Sun, Z. Cheng, C.A. Taylor, B.J. McConkey and J.E. Thompson. (2010). Apoptosis induction  by eIF5A1 involves activation of the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway.  Journal of Cellular Physiology  223, 798-809.