Associate Professor, Developmental Research Area Head

Contact Information
Phone: 519-888-4567 x41006
Location:PAS 4014
Associate Professor, Developmental Research Area Head | Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Katherine White, PhD joined the Psychology Department at the University of Waterloo in 2010, after completing her PhD in Cognitive Science at Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) and postdoctoral research in the department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester (Rochester, New York, USA). She studies early language development in infants and toddlers, as well as language processing in adults.
Selected Publications:
- Johnson, E. K. & White, K. S. (2020). Developmental sociolinguistics: Children's acquisition of language variation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews in Cognitive Science, 11 (1), e1515.
- White, K. S., Nilsen, E. S., Deglint, T., & Silva, J. (2020). That's thee, uhh blicket! How does disfluency affect children's word learning? First Language, 40, 3-20.
- Weatherhead, D., Friedman, O., White, K. S. (2019). Preschoolers are sensitive to accent distance. Journal of Child Language, 46, 1058-1072.