Contact Information
Email: mmstastn@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x43529
Location: MC 6122
Professor, Applied Mathematics, Associate Dean Computing
I received my PhD from the University of Waterloo in 2001 (Applied Mathematics). I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto from 2001-2004, and returned to UW in 2004. My research focus is on environmental fluid mechanics, especially from a computational point of view. Along with my group I both develop and apply high order numerical methods to problems in boundary layer dynamics, hydrodynamic instability theory, and internal wave dynamics.I am also interested in novel measurement platforms such as gliders in both the atmosphere and natural waters. I have served as the President of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, and this is my second term as the Associate Dean of Computing for the Mathematics Faculty.
Graduate Supervision:
I have a mid-sized, active group that includes undergraduates, M.Math and PhD student, from physics and mathematics backgrounds working on a broad array of problems. My students have gone on to a broad mix of careers including in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, local industry, and academia.
Selected Publications:
Approximating Stable Matchings with Ties of Bounded Size, JK, K. Pashkovich, N. Tofigzadeh
A General Framework for Computing the Nucleolus via Dynamic Programming, JK, W.J. Toth
Computing the Nucleolus of Weighted Cooperative Matching Games in Polynomial Time, JK, K. Pashkovich, W.J. Toth