Contact Information
Email: nlashgar@uwaterloo.ca
Location: E7 6424
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 48797
Director | Automation and Intelligent Systems (ACE) Group
Associate Professor | Systems Design Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Azad’s primary research interests lie in: (i) intelligent controls and automation with applications to automotive systems as well as autonomous systems like automated vehicles and drones, and (ii) innovative applications of AI methods to solve complex modeling, optimization, control, and automation problems. He has over 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals and received an Early Researcher Award in 2015 from the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
Graduate Supervision: Over the past seven years, Dr. Azad has sole/co-supervised 5 Postdocs, 8 PhDs, 15 Master’s, 1 Research Associate, 14 Research Assistants, 2 Research Engineers, 2 Visitors, and 25 Undergrads.
Selected Publications:
- M. Vajedi and N. L. Azad, 2016, “Ecological adaptive cruise controller for plugin hybrid electric vehicles using nonlinear model predictive control", IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions, Vol.17, Issue 1, pp.113-122.
- B. Sakhdari and N. L. Azad, 2018, “A distributed reference governor approach to ecological cooperative adaptive cruise control”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.19, No.5, pp.1596-1507.
- S. Tajeddin, S. Ekhtiari, M. Faieghi, and N. L. Azad, 2020, “Ecological adaptive cruise control with optimal lane selection in connected vehicle environments”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.21, No.11, pp.4538-4549.