Contact Information
Email: nrandall@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x40134
Location: EC1 1327
Executive Director | The Games Institute
Chair | Council for Responsible Innovation and Technology
Associate Professor | English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts
Dr. Neil Randall is an associate professor with the Department of English Language and literature with a doctorate from York University. He is the chair of the Council for Responsible Innovation and Technology and the executive director of The Games Institute, whose research focuses on games studies, interactive immersive media and technology, rhetoric and semiotics of human-computer interaction and the practice and analysis of professional writing. Randall was the principal investigator for the SSHRC Partnership Grant that funded the games research network IMMERSe (The Interactive and Multi-Modal Research Syndicate) and is a distinguished computer book and magazine writer.
Graduate Supervision:
- Game studies
- Virtual worlds
- Rhetoric and semiotics of Human-Computer Interaction
- Semiotics of games and game design
- J. R. R. Tolkien
- Practice and analysis of various genres of professional writing: technical documentation, magazine journalism, multimedia production