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Professor and Chair | Department of Geography & Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment
Richard Kelly’s interests are in characterizing terrestrial cryospheric processes for advancing our understanding of climate change and water resource management. His research group focuses on the development and application of novel approaches to estimate and map snow accumulation and water storage on the Earth using satellite, airborne and ground-based microwave and visible-infrared remote sensing systems. To this end, his research group conducts field work, develops and uses physics-based electromagnetic and geospatial models of terrestrial snow and ice to advance our understanding of these features in the landscape. His interests extend to the mapping and monitoring of water resources in developing countries and especially how remote sensing can be applied for water resource management in water-stressed semi-arid regions.
His research is and has been funded by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). He is also funded by NSERC, CFI and various other grant awarding organizations.
Graduate Supervision: microwave remote sensing, cryospheric science (seasonal snow, glaciers and climate), satellite hydrology, hydroclimatology and management in water stressed regions.
Selected Publications:
- Thompson, A. and R.E.J. Kelly (2021) Radar retrieval of snow water equivalent for mid-latitude agricultural sites, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 47(1): 119-142.
- Li, Q., R.E.J. Kelly, J. Lemmetyinen and J. Pan (2020) Simulating the influence of temperature on microwave transmissivity of trees during winter observed by spaceborne microwave radiometery IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Remote Sensing. 13: 4816 – 4824
- Vanthof, V.R. and Kelly, R.E.J. (2019) Estimating seasonal surface water storage in rainwater harvesting reservoirs in southeast India using satellite remote sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment 235, 111437.