Contact Information
Email: roberto.guglielmi@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x 42806
Location: MC 6451
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics
Dr Guglielmi is an applied mathematician focused on control and optimization of dynamical systems, with a focus on designing controllers for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), optimizing power energy networks, agent-based and compartmental models in agriculture and life sciences. He received a PhD in Mathematics from the University Tor Vergata of Rome, Italy (2013) and in Applied Mathematics from the University of Lorraine, France (2013). His research relies on analytical and numerical techniques to tackle stability and control problems for systems described by nonlinear differential equations, in the case of partial measurements on the state variables.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr Guglielmi currently supervises 4 graduate students and 1 undergraduate research assistant. The graduate students have been exploring different control and optimization frameworks with application to the control of UAV models, pest management, quantitative finance, and power energy systems.
Selected Publications:
Aronna, M.S., Guglielmi, R., Moschen, L.M., A model for COVID-19 with isolation, quarantine and testing as control measures, Epidemics, Vol. 34, 2021.
Grüne L., Guglielmi R., Turnpike properties and strict dissipativity for discrete time linear quadratic optimal control problems, SIAM J. Control Optim., 56(2), 1282-1302, 2018.
Beauchard K., Cannarsa P., Guglielmi R., Null controllability of Grushin-type operators in dimension two, Journal of European Mathematical Society, 67-101 16(1) 2014.