Contact Information
Email: skmitra@uwaterloo.ca
Professor | Executive Director of WIN
Sushanta Mitra’s research interests are in the fundamental understanding of fluid flow in narrow confinements applicable to energy, environment and bio-systems. Before joining Waterloo, he had several administrative roles in Canadian higher education, including Department Chair (Lassonde School of Engineering), Associate Vice-President Research (York University) and Assistant Vice-President Research (University of Alberta). For his contributions to science and engineering, he has been elected a fellow of several professional organizations, including the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a foreign fellow of both the Indian National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences India. He has an entrepreneurial mind, being the Founder & CEO of a Canadian startup, Aquabits Inc. (on quantum computing) and a Dutch startup, SLE Enterprises B.V. (on ultra-fast encapsulation technology), supported by the University of Waterloo.
Graduate Supervision:
Sushanta Mitra has supervised/co-supervised over 100 graduate students (Ph.D., Masters), post-doctoral fellows, research associates and undergraduate students. The HQP are from varied disciplines including Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Physics, Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Science.