Contact Information
Email: tong@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519 888 4567 x35826
Location: C2 066A
Director, Waterloo Advanced Technology Laboratory | Professor, Chemistry
Dr. Tong Leung is a chemical physicist working with emerging materials and their applications. His research explores the fundamental chemistry and physics occurring on the surfaces of novel materials, including low-dimensional nanostructural materials, as well as potential applications of these materials. He is the founding director of WATLab (www.watlab.com), a multidisciplinary research facility that provides advanced characterization and development of novel materials at Waterloo and beyond.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr. Leung supervises graduate students within the masters and doctoral programs in Chemistry and Physics. With diverse background in chemistry, physics and materials science, his students have, upon graduation, found employment in universities and national and international research laboratories in the areas of quantum computing, battery research, green energy, environmental remediation, and spin-based devices.
Selected Publications:
S. Srivastava, J.P. Thomas, X. Guan, K.T. Leung, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (2021) 43022-43029. “Induced Complementary Resistive Switching in Forming-Free TiOx/TiO2/TiOx Memristors”
W. Gao, X. Zhou, N.F. Heinig, J.P. Thomas, L. Zhang, K. T. Leung, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4 (2021) 4790-4799. “Nonenzymatic Saliva-Range Glucose Sensing Using Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide Nanocubes on a Graphene Strip”
X. Guan, S. Srivastava, J.P. Thomas, N.F. Heinig, J-S Kang, Md. A. Rahman, K.T. Leung, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (2020) 48998-49005. “Defect-Rich Dopant-Free ZrO2 Nanoclusters and Their Size-Dependent Ferromagnestism"
L. Zhang, J.P. Thomas, X. Guan, N.F. Heinig, K. T. Leung, Nanotechnology 31 (2020) 325301 (8pp). “High-energy Ion (He+, Si++, Ga+, Au++) Interactions with PMMA in Ion Beam Lithography"
J.P. Thomas, Q. Shi, M. Abd-Ellah, L. Zhang, N.F. Heinig, K.T. Leung, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (2020) 11459-11466. “Charge Transfer in Nanowire-Embedded PEDOT:PSS and Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells"