Contact Information
Email: vmaheshw@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38885
Location: QNC 5619
Associate Professor | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science
Dr. Vivek Maheshwari is an active researcher and educator, with a PhD from Virginia Tech in 2007. His research focuses on photovoltaics and energy harvesting technology, development of electrocatalysts and composites and material design. Applying the materials for use in sensors and devices is also a key area of his research, including developing flexible devices and scale up manufacturing. He was awarded the Early Researcher Award in 2015.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr. Maheshwari supervises graduate students within the masters and doctoral programs in Chemistry. His students focus in the area of material development and their application in device and sensors.
Selected Publications:
H. Fan, V. Maheshwari; “Controlled element specific nanoscale domains by self-assembly for high performance bifunctional alkaline water splitting catalyst”, Adv. Fun. Mater., 31, 2106149, 2021
R. Saraf, V. Maheshwari; “PbI2 Initiated Cross-Linking and Integration of a Polymer Matrix with Perovskite Films: 1000 h Operational Devices under Ambient Humidity and Atmosphere and with Direct Solar Illumination”, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2, 3, 2214-2222, 2019.
H. Fan, V. Maheshwari; “Wearable devices using nanoparticle chains as universal building blocks with simple filtration-based fabrication and quantum sensing”, Adv. Mater. Tech., 5, 2000090, 2020.