Guidelines for Recruitment at UWTL

If you are looking to recruit UW faculty and staff in CTE venues like UWTL and/or CTE promotions (Newsletters, In the Loop), we first ask that your research meet the following guidelines: 

  1. The research study must have been cleared by the Office of Research Ethics (ORE) prior to recruitment.   
  2. The CTE communications (such as CTE newsletter, CTE newsreel, Faculty Liaisons’ monthly newsletter, social media) must be mentioned explicitly in the Ethics Protocols cleared by the ORE. If it does not appear in the initial version of the Protocols, an amendment must be submitted and approved prior to recruitment.   
  3. The ORE clearance number must appear in every communication to potential participants, using this language: “This study has received the Office of Research Ethics clearance ### on (date).”  
  4. Recruitment can only target UW faculty or staff members (not Waterloo students or external faculty and staff members).   
  5. UWTL: only posters and flyers of modest proportions (max. 8.5x11 inches) can be posted or distributed. Posters and flyers need to be sent for review to the Organizing Committee 1 week before the conference; we recommend using a QR code or a URL shortener to showcase your study.   
  6. Written communications (e.g. CTE newsletter, CTE newsreel, Faculty Liaisons’ monthly newsletter, social media): Only a short blurb (under 75 words, not including the language requested in point 3) will be disseminated; you can link to a website with more details about the study.