Educational Research at Waterloo

At the Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), we support campus community members who wish to investigate their teaching practices in a scholarly way. Here’s a snapshot of teaching and learning research resources available at Waterloo, both for those just getting started and those continuing an established research agenda.

Teaching and Learning Research Guide

Developed in collaboration between CTE and the Library, the Teaching and Learning Research Guide is an excellent resource for those embarking on a teaching and learning research project for the first time. The Guide provides an overview of everything you’ll need to know when starting out, including:

  • Keywords to help you navigate the teaching and learning research literature;
  • Links to discipline-specific, peer-reviewed teaching and learning research journals;
  • Learning assessment tools that will help you evaluate the effectiveness of a teaching method or strategy;
  • Information about the ethics approval process; and
  • A list of teaching-related websites and blogs.

LITE Grants

The University of Waterloo’s Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants fund projects investigating innovative approaches to enhancing teaching and fostering deep student learning at Waterloo. Since 2012, recipients across campus have used LITE-Grant funding to explore topics ranging from transcultural learning to ePortfolios, Communities of Practice to undergraduate teamwork development workshops, peer review of teaching to information literacy, and more. Funded by the Office of the Associate Vice President, Academic, and administered by CTE, LITE Seed Grants of up to $7,500 for one-year projects are awarded annually.


CTE staff are available to help you throughout the teaching and learning research process, from discussing preliminary research ideas to disseminating your results. Contact Annik Bilodeau, Educational Developer, Research and Consulting, and Brianna Bennett, Educational Research Associate, to discuss your educational research at Waterloo.