
Presenters: Please note that all presenters must register for the Conference.

Registration Fees:

  • Internal participants (in-person conference attendance (May 1) & online workshops (April 30)) - $70.00
  • External participants (in-person conference attendance (May 1) & online workshops (April 30)) - $150.00 plus applicable taxes
  • Online workshops only April 30 (includes live-streaming of keynote address on May 1) - $35.00

Note: We are aware of the continually evolving landscape surrounding COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses, and their impact on public health, particularly at the University of Waterloo. We will follow public health guidelines and are strongly recommending wearing a mask at all times during the conference. Procedure masks will be available at the Registration Desk.

If you intend to pay using your unit’s Discount Code, you need to enter the respective Discount Code directly into the registration form when you register.

  • If your department chair, program director, or other senior administrator has agreed to cover the cost of conference registration, enter the Discount Code after selecting “New Registration.” After inputting the rest of your registration information, you will be directed to choose a Payment Method on the Check Out Summary screen. Please leave this blank. By inputting the Discount Code initially, you can bypass entering in the Payment Method and instead just click ‘Continue’ to finalize your registration. If you are unsure if your registration will be covered, please contact your department chair or unit head, or see the Unit Coverage section below.


This year again we are happy to announce that we have a limited number of bursaries available. The purpose of the bursary is to support undergraduate, graduate, sessional instructors, or precarious instructors who do not have their own home unit already supporting their registration fees. Please only request a bursary if you do not have other financial means (i.e., Faculty Professional Expense Reimbursement) to pay for registration. If you’re unsure if your home unit is supporting your registration fee, please review the list below.

Unit Coverage

Below is a list of units/faculties that are covering registration fees. Please contact the individual indicated to request your Discount Code.

We will be updating this list as we receive information from unit heads. Contact us if you are being covered by your unit and they are not on this list.

Academic Units | Support Units

Academic Units

  • The Faculty of Arts is covering registration fees for the first 50 instructors who register. Please issue requests to
  • The Faculty of Engineering is covering registration fees for all instructors.
  • The Department of Knowledge Integration is covering registration fees for all faculty members. Please issue requests to Katie Plaisance, Associate Professor and Chair.
  • The Faculty of Health is covering registration fees for all faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate student instructors (teaching must be part of your role). Please issue requests to Kirstie Slaney, Financial Officer.
  • The Faculty of Math is covering registration fees for all faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate student instructors. Please issue requests to Diana Skrzydlo, Teaching Fellow.
  • The Faculty of Science is covering registration fees for the first 35 faculty members who register. Please issue requests to Vivian Dayeh, Teaching Fellow.
  • Conrad Grebel University College is covering registration fees for the first 10 faculty members who register. Please issue requests to Birgit Moscinski, Administrative Assistant to the Dean.
  • St. Jerome’s University College is covering registration fees for all faculty members. Please issue requests to Carol Ann MacGregor, Vice President Academic and Dean.
  • The English Language Institute at Renison University College is covering registration fees for all instructors. Please issue requests to Keely Cook, Assistant Director, Community and Professional Education.
  • The Department of Social Development Studies at Renison University College is covering registration fees for all sessional instructors. Please issue requests to Denise Marigold, Department Chair.

Support Units

  • The Centre for Teaching Excellence is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Kim Boucher, Administrative Assistant.
  • The Centre for Extended Learning is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Aldo Caputo, Director.
  • The Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) Office is covering registration costs for the first 10 University of Waterloo postdoctoral fellows who register and whose registration has not been covered by their home faculty/department. Please issue requests to
  • The Library is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Graham Yeates, Library Office Assistant.
  • The Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic is covering costs for its staff members. Please issue requests to Alisa Sivak, Communications Associate, and Sarah Seabrook, Communications and Community Engagement Specialist.

  • Organizational & Human Development is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to John Fedy, Manager, Leadership Development.
  • The Student Success Office is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Pam Charbonneau, Director.
  • Work-Integrated Learning is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Joy Harris, Administrative Coordinator.
  • The Work-Learn Institute is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Anne-Marie Fannon, Director.
  • The Writing and Communication Centre is covering registration costs for all staff members. Please issue requests to Clare Bermingham, Director.


To change or cancel your registration, please contact Catering & Event Services

Cancellation policy

  • For University of Waterloo participants: If you cancel your registration after the registration deadline of Tuesday, April 15, 2025, your registration fee will not be refunded.
    For external conference participants: If you cancel your registration after Tuesday, April 15, 2025, a $40.00 administrative fee will be kept.
  • For all participants: If you are unable to attend the conference, you are welcome to send a substitute person.  Please provide proper notice, as well as the substitute person’s name and affiliation.

Contact us

For help with the registration process, please contact Catering & Event Services. For any other inquiries regarding the conference, please contact our conference organizing committee