Science Teaching Fellows

As part of the University of Waterloo’s continuing efforts to promote excellence in teaching, a network of Teaching Fellows was established in 2012 to provide leadership and support for faculty members with the ultimate goal of improving the depth, effectiveness, and efficiency of student learning. Within the Faculty of Science, each department and school has a Teaching Fellow to meet the specific needs of each discipline.

Science is dynamic and based on exploration, discovery, hypothesis testing, evidence-based decision making, and innovation. The Science Teaching Fellows incorporate these key principles in their approach to create communities of practice that employ the best and most effective teaching techniques.

Teaching Fellows within Science

The Science Teaching Fellows meet regularly and work with the Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) to determine best teaching practices and how to best achieve the teaching related goals of the Faculty of Science strategic plan.

In addition to organizing teaching and learning workshops and retreats for their respective department or school, Science Teaching Fellows provide individual support such as:

  • supporting and advising teachers (especially new faculty);
  • connecting teaching staff and faculty with on-campus resources (e.g., CTE, and the Centre for Extended Learning);
  • developing new initiatives, such as ones to enable instructors to gather enhanced student feedback;
  • advising students.

Meet our Science Teaching Fellows

These Teaching Fellows share a passion for teaching and science and many have received awards for their outstanding teaching.

Senior Teaching Fellow (Interim)

Vivian Dayeh

Vivian Dayeh
Location: B1 277
Phone: 519-888-4567 x47582


Sarah Ruffell

Sarah Ruffel
Location: B1 279


Laura Ingram Headshot
Laura Ingram
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 30273
Location: C2-274

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Andrea Brookfield

Andrea Brookfield
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 47251
Location: EIT 2051C

Optometry and Vision Science

Sarah MacIver
Sarah MacIver
Telephone: 519-888-4567, ext. 43186
Location: OPT 247A


Brett Barrett headshot

Brett Barrett
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 21311
Location: PHR 5013

Physics and Astronomy

Karen Cummings

Karen Cummings
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 43555
Location: PHY 371