Orientation after First Year

Science orientation coordinators in tie-dyed lab coats

Had a great time at your Orientation and don't want the fun to stop there? Get involved with Science Orientation and be the supporting face of Science for incoming first-years! Read below for available positions and their responsibilities.

Orientation Positions


  • Organize Science orientation, hire coordinators, and provide oversight to finances, day to day operations, event planning etc.
  • 4 Positions available: Operations, Innovations, Leader Experience, and First-Year Experience
  • Working Period: December 2023 - September 2024
  • Applications open: October 10th - October 30th, 2023
Four Science orientation leaders
Science Orientation coordinators in tie-dyed lab coats


  • Supporting leadership role to O-Team, each managing leaders in their area of Orientation
  • 12 positions available for 8 roles: Finance, Meals & Refreshments, Equity & Sustainability, Media, Design, Leader, SciEye, Events & Initiatives
  • Working Period: April 2024 - September 2024
  • Applications open: February 6th - February 27th, 2024


  • Work in direct contact with first-years and lead your designated team to victory! Leaders may also be asked to assist with other Orientation responsibilities such as wayfinding, team photography, set-up, take-down etc.
  • 150+ frontline leaders hired last year! Additional leader roles include Team Captain, Goggle Gang, and SciEye.
  • Working Period: June 2024 - September 2024
  • Applications open: March 28th - May 12th, 2024
Science Orientation leaders for the green team posing together