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Kim Arnold

Research Development Officer
519-888-4567, ext. 49224
Location: ESC 254B
Contact for: Technical writing support for research grants, proposals and awards.

Luke Balch

Academic Advisor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Profile photo of Luke Balch, from the shoulders up.
519-888-4567, ext. 46387
Location: EIT 2046 and STC 2048
Contact for: Academic advising for first-year students. Main point of contact for Earth and Environmental Sciences students.

Monika Bothwell

Faculty Financial Officer
Monika Bothwell
519-888-4567, ext. 47830
Location: ESC 252F

Cory Brown

Coordinator - Infrastructure Projects
Cory Brown
519-888-4567, ext. 47619
Location: ESC 251
Contact for: All facility, infrastructure, special projects and space.

Nina Brzak

Advancement Coordinator
Nina Brzak
Location: ESC 253

Briton Burgio

Events Manager
Briton Burgio
Location: ESC 254F

Jenn Coggan

Science Technology Transfer Manager
519-888-4567 x41370
Location: ESC 254G

Mario Coniglio

Department Chair, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Mario Coniglio
519-888-4567 x32066
Location: EIT 2033
Link to profile: Mario Coniglio

Anca Constantinescu

Director of Strategic Initiatives and Integrated Planning

Susan Corkill

Science Counsellor
519-888-4567, ext. 32957
Location: STC 2052

John Corrigan

Department Chair, Chemistry
Headshot of John Corrigan
Location: C2 281

Laura Deakin

Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate Studies)
Laura Deakin
519-888-4567 x46070
Location: ESC 140/STC 2031

Anjie Dietrich

Senior Development Officer
Anjie Dietrich
Location: ESC 252

Michael Ditty

Director, Infrastructure and Technical Resources
Mike Ditty
519-888-4567, ext. 46092
Location: 252E (Enter through ESC 253)
Contact for: All facility, infrastructure, special projects, space, safety and fire information.

Andrea Edginton

Hallman Director, School of Pharmacy
Andrea Edginton
519-888-4408 or x84408
Location: PHR 6002
Link to profile: Andrea Edginton

Heidi Engelhardt

Associate Dean, Faculty and Student Engagement
Heidi Engelhardt
519-888-4567 x38133
Location: B1 280

Eric Fillion

Director of Safety
Eric Fillion
519-888-4567 x32470
Location: C2 390

Jenniffer Fleet

Health and Safety - Optometry
519-888-4567 x42626
Location: OPT 302
Contact for: Health and Safety - Optometry

Sarah Forgrave

Digital Experience Manager
Sarah Forgrave
Contact for: Web content strategy, information architecture, site creation and consultation

Karen Fox

Museum Collections Coordinator

Sarah Fullerton

Digital Communications Specialist

Sandra Groen

Administrative Assistant
Sandra Groen
519-888-4567, ext. 43363
Location: ESC 253

Amanda Helka

Educational Resources Coordinator

Todd Holyoak

Health and Safety - Biology
519-888-4567 x 31565
Location: ESC 357C
Contact for: Health and Safety - Biology

Chris Houser

Dean of Science
Chris Houser
519-888-4567 x46550
Location: ESC 252

Stefan Idziak

Associate Dean, Computing and Co-operative Education
Stefan Idziak
519-888-4567, ext. 35580
Location: PHY 250

Okey Igboeli

Director, Science and Business
Okey Igboeli.
519-888-4567, ext. 48769
Location: ESC 357B
Contact for: The Science and Business program and its courses.

Elizabeth Kleisath

Communications Officer, Advancement

Agnes Kolic

Administrator - Graduate Studies
Agnes Kolic
519-888-4567, ext. 43525
Location: PHYS 2011

Olesya Kotlyachkov

Data & Information Analyst
519-888-4567 x47056
Location: STC 2048
Contact for: Data acquisition and management, analysis and reporting in support of undergraduate studies

Jon Lee

Partnership Development Officer
Location: ESC 254B
Contact for: Research Partnerships

Ling Li

Faculty Financial Analyst
Location: ESC 252G

Jen McCaig

Manager, Advancement Operations
Jen McCaig
519-888-4567, x43556
Location: ESC 252

Corina McDonald

Museum Curator
Corina McDonald
519-888-4567 x35633
Location: EIT 2036

Sharon McFarlane

Senior Communications Officer, Advancement

Trenny McGinnis

Health and Safety - Pharmacy
Location: PHR 6004
Contact for: Health and Safety - Pharmacy

Brian McNamara

Department Chair, Physics and Astronomy
Brian McNamara
519-888-4567 x38170
Location: PHY 253
Link to profile: Brian McNamara

Katie McQuaid

Associate Director, Communications and Marketing
Katie McQuaid
Location: ESC 254C

Peter Meier

Senior Development Officer
Peter Meier
Location: ESC 252

Kashif Memon

Science and Business Advisor
Kashif Memon
519-888-4567, ext. 45114
Location: STC 4038
Contact for: Advise regarding the Science & Business program and its three disciplines.

Meaghan Middleton

Director of Advancement
Meaghan Middleton
Location: ESC 254E

Jay Mielke

Multimedia Specialist

Kirsten Müller

Department Chair, Biology

Heather Neufeld

Manager, Science Outreach
Heather Neufeld
519-888-4567, ext. 41083
Location: EIT 2010
Contact for: School-age science activities and visits, public lectures, class visits to campus, Science Open House, Let’s Talk Science

Gustav Bakos Observatory

Gustav Bakos Observatory Coordinator

Jen Parks

Associate Dean, Diverse, Inclusive and Safe Science
Jen Parks
519-888-4567 x36929
Location: EIT 2047

Vanessa Parks

Internal Communications and Engagement Specialist

Krista Parsons

Graduate Dissertation Specialist
Krista Parsons
519-888-4567, ext. 49106
Location: STC 2066

Lori Preiss

Financial Analyst - Special Projects
519-888-4567 ext. 47732
Location: ESC 252G
Contact for: Financial processing, analysis and supporting new initiatives.

Patricia Rintjema

Alumni Engagement Officer
Patricia Rintjema
Location: ESC 254A

Martin Ross

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Martin Ross
519-888-4567 x38171
Location: EIT 2045
Contact for: Graduate studies

Derek Schipper

Health and Safety - Chemistry
Derek Schipper
519-888-4567 x39524
Location: C2 260B
Contact for: Health and Safety - Chemistry

Science Computing Helpdesk

Science Computing Helpdesk
Location: PHY 2001-2006
Contact for: Technical support, troubleshooting, and requests.
Link to personal webpage: Jira request form

Mona Skuterud

Executive Officer
Mona Skuterud
519-888-4567 x46542
Location: ESC 254A

Savannah Sloat

Manager, Science Indigenous Initiatives
Savannah Sloat
519-888-4567 x41069
Location: ESC 253

Kathleen St Laurent

Health and Safety - Earth and Environmental Sciences
Kathleen St. Laurent
519-888-4567 x45132
Location: EIT 2036
Contact for: Health and Safety - Earth and Environmental Sciences

Shirley Tang

Associate Dean, Research
Shirley Tang
519-888-4567 x38037
Location: QNC 4618

Jason Thompson

CTE Liaison for Science
Jason Thompson
519-888-4567, ext. 33225
Location: B2 358D
Contact for: Teaching and learning initiatives support, design and implementation of online course activities.

Trish Van Berkel

Health and Safety - Physics and Astronomy
519-888-4567 x30288
Location: PHY 244
Contact for: Health and Safety - Physics and Astronomy

Victoria Van Cappellen

Digital Communications Coordinator
Victoria Van Cappellen
Contact for: WCMS 2/WCMS 3 Web Support

Alyana Versolatto (on leave)

Graduate Recruitment Officer
Alyana Versolatto
Location: STC 2028

Lisa Weber

Faculty Administrative Officer
Lisa Weber
519-888-4567, ext. 42062
Location: ESC 252D (Enter through ESC 253)

Jonathan Witt

Associate Dean, International Programs
519-888-4567 x35951
Location: B2 252A

Stan Woo

Director, School of Optometry and Vision Science
Stan Woo
Location: OPT 301

Stephen Woods

Manager, Academic Advising
519-888-4567, ext. 42064
Location: STC 2054
Contact for: SUO Operations, joint programs consultation, applications for re-admission.

Mustafa Yavuz

Director, Collaborative Graduate Nanotechnology Program
Mustafa Yavuz
519-888-4567 x32093
Location: E5 3011
Link to personal webpage: Mustafa Yavuz