Resources: elementary schools

University of Waterloo Science Outreach connects our students with your students! Our free in-person workshops help science discovery happen.

The various resources that we offer to Grade 1-8 classrooms and community groups are shown in the Grade-specific table below and linked to more detail in the following sections.

Two students play with an electrostatic generator at an open house event.

Elementary school teacher resources: Curriculum connections and outreach programs

The blue hyperlinks are our workshops, aligned with curriculum topics in normal text. V: virtual/online; IP: in-person; OC: on-campus only

Grade Life Systems Structures and Mechanisms Matter and Energy Earth and Space Systems

Needs and characteristics of living things

Materials, objects, and everyday structures

Energy in our lives:
Energy Exploration IP

Daily and seasonal changes

2 Growth and changes in animals:
Building Bugs IP
Movement Properties of liquids and solids:
Matter Matters IP or WWCGF

Air and water in the environment: WWCGF or Groundwater Adventures with the ESM IP, V, OC

3 Growth and changes in plants:
Root of the Matter IP
Strong and stable structures:
Earthquake! V, IP or One Dog Sleigh V
Forces causing movement:
Earthquake! V, IP or One Dog Sleigh V
Soils in the environment: WWCGF
4 Habitats and communities:
Wetland Food Web IP or WWCGF
Pulleys and Gears:
Pulling Your Weight IP 
Light and sound Rocks and Minerals:
Rocks and Minerals with the ESM V, IP, OC or Earthquake! V, IP
5 Human organ systems:
Fight or Flight V, IP
Forces acting on structures and mechanisms:
Natural Disasters with the ESM V, IP, OC
Properties of and changes in matter:
Crime Labs V, IP
Conservation of energy and resources
6 Biodiversity Flight:
High Flyers V, IP

Electricity and electrical devices: Graph-light! IP with the ESM V, IP, OC

Exploration Mars V, IP, WCA's Astro-Bubble IP or Observatory tour OC
7 Interactions in the environment Form and function:
Entrepreneurial Science IP
Pure substances and mixtures:
Mix it Up V, IP
Heat in the environment
8 Cells:
Zooming In IP
Systems in action:
Entrepreneurial Science IP
Make a Splash IP 
Water Systems:
Make a Splash IP

Let's Talk Science Workshops

Let’s Talk Science provides a unique opportunity for you to invite University of Waterloo Science student volunteers into your classroom to conduct fun, curriculum-aligned, hands-on science activities with your students at no cost to you or your school (if virtual, you provide the basic supplies for activities if needed). The workshops that we currently offer to Grade 1-8 classrooms and community groups are listed below and in the Grade-specific table above. Please visit the Let's Talk Science workshop request form to register your class for a visit. V: virtual/online; IP: in-person

Building Bugs (Gr 2-3, 75 min., IP): How are living things adapted for survival? Design the best bug, for various environments! Students learn about the form and function of various insect.

Crime Labs: (Gr 4-8, 75 min., V, IP) Crime Scene Investigation may seem like it really only happens in movies and TV shows but forensic science applies various disciplines of science like chemistry and biology to find and test evidence to help solve cases. Students apply their science knowledge as members of the forensic team who were hired to find a thief in this fun problem-solving whodunnit.

Earthquake! (Gr 3-5, 75 min., V, IP): Oh no! There’s an earthquake! Wait, what even is an earthquake? Students learn how and why earthquakes happen and about the technologies that allow structures to resist an earthquake’s powerful force. They then build and test their earthquake-resistant structures on earthquake tables.

Energy Exploration (Gr 1-2, 60 min., IP): Use your senses to categorize and investigate different types of energy and find out where energy comes from.

Entrepreneurial Science (Gr 7-8, 75 min., IP): Students learn about the economics of science by forming companies to design self-propelled objects. Teams design, 'purchase' parts, build, and test their creations.

Exploration Mars (Gr 6-8, 90 min., V, IP): Experience the challenges of space exploration using unmanned space probes. Explore different types of space probes - Orbiters, Landers, and Rovers. Students will build and test a lander in hopes of discovering new information about Mars and whether it could ever have supported life!

Fight or Flight (Gr 4-6, 90 min., V, IP): Grown-ups are not the only ones who experience stress - kids get stressed too! Students explore what happens in their nervous system, endocrine system, and circulatory system when their brain detects stressful situations. Students will also discuss ways to identify, reduce, and manage stress in their lives.

High Flyers (Gr 5-6, 75 min., V, IP): Explore various aspects of flight and how machines and birds are able to achieve efficient flight. Discuss “what forces act on a plane”, “what causes lift in a plane”, and “how do different wing shapes help achieve different types of flight”. Students will apply their knowledge by building and testing various paper planes in an ultimate paper plane building championship.

Make a Splash (Gr 7-8, 60 min., IP): Students roleplay as an advisory committee for the Grand River watershed and make decisions that will impact water availability and water quality in the region. Students will then complete a hands-on water quality investigation. 

Matter Matters (Gr 2, 75 min., IP): Students explore the properties of solids, liquids, and gases and their interactions in exciting hands-on stations.

Mix It Up (Gr 6-8, 90 min., V, IP): Flowers and fireworks? Who knew chemistry could be so beautiful?! Chemistry must really matter... (badumtsss!) Students explore why some things dissolve and not others, how particles interact with each other, and how we can use separation techniques in the real world. 

One Dog Sleigh (Gr 3, 60 min. V, IP): In this science storytime, our volunteers will share a book following a child and her dog and all kinds of forces that cause movement are at work. Gravity and friction can be their friends or their foes as they ride the sleigh through the forest on a snowy winter’s day. Students then build their own sleigh to participate in the ultimate sleigh-loading contest!

Pulling Your Weight (Gr 4, 60 min., IP): There's hard work to be done! Which machine will make your work easier? Students problem-solve and learn about gears, pulleys and ramps.

Root of the Matter (Gr 2-3, 75 min., IP): Within a species, plants show remarkable diversity. Learn about the adaptations within known food plants, and how your bean plant will survive different scenarios (e.g. drought, frost, pests).

Wetland Food Web (Gr 4-6, 60 min., IP): Examining the biodiversity within a wetland ecosystem, students learn how all living things are connected and used in energy pyramids that can alter various habitats and communities.

Zooming In (Gr 8, 60 min., IP): Students are introduced to parts of a cell through hands-on activities exploring properties of cellular membranes and walls, cell size, and cellular gas production. 

More UW Science Workshops or Field Trips

Earth Sciences Museum

The University of Waterloo's Earth Sciences Museum is located in the heart of Waterloo's main campus. We offer online, in-person, and on-campus curriculum-aligned workshops for elementary school classes. View our workshops and register, or email We also have an amazing virtual tour of our exhibits!

Gustav Bakos Observatory

The Gustav Bakos Observatory, named in honour of the first astronomer at the University of Waterloo, houses a twelve-inch telescope, which is located on the roof of the Physics building. The observatory has been in operation since 1967. The telescope has been used for research on visual binary stars, undergraduate student assignments and public tours. To book an online talk or tour contact

Other Resources

Engineering Science Quest

This award-winning joint initiative from the Faculties of Engineering and Science has a number of excellent workshops for your classroom. For more information, visit the Engineering Science Quest website.

Waterloo-Wellington Children's Groundwater Festival

The Waterloo Wellington Children’s Groundwater Festival is an annual week-long event that brings government, industry and educators together to teach children the importance of groundwater and their role in protecting and conserving our most important natural resources. The Earth Sciences Museum and many of our UWaterloo researchers help out at this popular festival every year. Whether virtual or in-person, this event is a great addition to your teaching, and their website has plenty of resources available year-round.

General inquiries

Heather Neufeld
Manager, Science Outreach
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 31083
Location: EIT 2010