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Canadian Water Network Knowledge Mobilization training program
We are pleased to announce that the Canadian Water Network (CWN) has developed a Knowledge Mobilization (KM) training program, and will be offering that program to Water Institute members in a 1-day workshop.
The workshop will be held on May 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Waterloo main campus, and will consist of four training modules which are detailed below.
Using Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) to Mitigate Risk in Trenchless Projects

Condition Assessment & Rehab of Asbestos Cement Pipelines

Watermain Defect Coding, Condition Grading and Renovation

Microtunnelling for Municipal Construction

Short Course: Environmental Models and Bayesian Inference
The Water Institute is partnering with the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to offer a non-credit short course to interested graduate students and post-doctoral fellows during the upcoming February break.
Coastal watersheds in the Anthropocene: Understanding rapid change and implication for people and ecosystems
Join us for a facilitated panel discussion on coastal watersheds in the Anthropocene. Supported by the OceanCanada Partnership and the Water Institute, this public event is being organized as part of a two-day workshop with the goal to develop and apply a social-ecological system perspective to broaden our understanding of abrupt and rapid changes in coastal watersheds.
The 12th Hydrocarbon Summit: Transport, Fate and Remediation of Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface
The 12th Hydrocarbon Summit: Transport, Fate and Remediation of Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface, will take place Wednesday, April 19 and Thursday, April 20, 2017, at the University of Waterloo.
Session topics include:
- Sustainable water and residual hydrocarbons
- Addressing challenges with the detection of PFAS degradation products
- Dual oxidant system for in situ treatment of organic contaminants
Carbon based injectates for the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater
2017 Adrian Smith lecture - Alfonso Mucci
Hosted by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the 2017 Adrian Smith Lecture will feature professor Alfonso Mucci from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at McGill University. He will be presenting, "Development of hypoxic and acidified bottom waters in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary and its impact on sediment biogeochemistry."
Date: April 20, 2:00 p.m.
Location: EIT 1015