Amelia Clarke

Amelia Clarke

SEED Professor


Dr. Amelia Clarke has been working on environment and sustainability issues since 1989, including as President of Sierra Club Canada (2003-2006), the first Director of the University of Waterloo's Master of Environment and Business degree (2009-2018) and the Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Environment (2018-2022). She is now a Full Professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) at the University of Waterloo. Her main research focuses are related to implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals #8, #11, #13 and #17. She leads a $8.5M national team project called the municipal net-zero action research partnership (N-ZAP), and co-leads a second project on youth & innovation. She also has a long history of working on climate and sustainability action on university campuses, including co-authoring these classic publications on campus environmental management and student-led climate actions. She is a strong believer in youth-led change and on implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Dr. Clarke approaches her research on sustainable development, sustainable business, sustainable campuses and sustainable communities from a strategic management lens. Many of her theoretical contributions have been related to strategy implementation, designing cross-sector partnerships, and stakeholder/youth engagement. Her most cited work is on collaborative strategic management and some of her most recent work is on pathways to deep decarbonization in cities. Dr. Clarke’s work has been published as journal articles, book chapters and practitioner reports. For more details see her Google Scholar profile. Dr. Clarke holds a PhD in Management (Strategy) from McGill University. She is currently also a founding member of Nature Canada's Women for Nature, a member of the GreenBiz Intelligence Panel, a member of WRI's global Advisory Council for the Ross Centre Prize for Cities, named on the #Thinklist30 as a social media influencer.