Herijadi (Jude) Kurniawan

Jude Kurniawan

Energy Council of Canada Energy Research Fellow


Ph.D. Candidate (Geography) | ECC Energy Policy Research Fellow

B.Sc. Management (Northeastern University), PG.Dip. Energy Studies (Murdoch University), Master of Climate Change (University of Waterloo)

Jude comes to the University of Waterloo after spending more than 15 years working as an energy professional for a system integrator in Singapore. As a technical director, Jude designed control, SCADA, and integrated management systems for a number of power plant projects across Asia. Through this experience, Jude realizes how volatile and uncertain the world energy market is. World events such as Asian currency crisis, sub-prime mortgage crisis, oil shock and gas glut often make it impossible for business communities in the energy sector to forecast the things to come and to plan for overcoming future crises and challenges. Jude is seeking the answer through his doctoral research, which is to improve foresight capability of energy stakeholders by developing low-carbon energy scenarios for Canada. For this research, Jude will conduct a participatory scenario planning workshop by engaging multiple stakeholders to co-create plausible energy futures that are informed by the developments across scales and sectors.

Most recently, Jude interned at Singapore University of Technology and Design as a visiting doctoral student and joined the transportation foresight research group. While in Singapore, Jude worked on a project to develop qualitative scenarios for the future of urban mobility in Singapore. Because of his works on various foresight research such as on transport and energy, Jude was invited to participate in an international collaborative research program, Alternative Urban Futures (AUF), a research project initiated by Urbanization and Global Environment Change (UGEC). The AUF working group will produce a research direction for the study of the urban futures for achieving sustainable development goals.