
Qinqin Zhu

Assistant Professor


Prof. Qinqin Zhu is an assistant professor in the department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. She is also a faculty member in the Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute (Waterloo.AI) and Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE). Prof. Zhu received her PhD degree from the Chemical Engineering department at the University of Southern California, advised by Prof. Joe Qin. Prior to UW, She worked as a senior research scientist at Facebook Inc. in the United States.

Prof. Zhu's research mainly focuses on developing advanced statistical machine learning methods, process data analytics techniques and optimization algorithms in the era of big data with applications to statistical process monitoring and fault diagnosis. Her research addresses theoretical challenges and problems of practical importance in the area of process systems engineering. By leveraging the power of mathematical modeling and optimization, her group strives to develop advanced multivariate statistical analysis algorithms that enhance decision making in complex engineering systems.


Process Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Process Control, Process Monitoring


Process Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Statistical Process Monitoring, Fault Diagnosis, Optimization, Process Systems Engineering