WISE Public Lecture

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Energy-Secure, Adaptable Housing and Infrastructure for Remote and Northern Communities
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Energy-Secure, Adaptable Housing and Infrastructure for Remote and Northern Communities


Housing in too many of Canada's remote communities is in deplorable condition. This presentation will address approaches to boosting production of low-energy housing through innovations in structure, fabrication, delivery, and associated infrastructure, taking into account that future conditions are highly unpredictable.


Presented by Peter Russell, President, RESTCo.

Peter Russell is a Professional Engineer whose experience straddles the fields of Industrial Engineering and Building Technology and is backed by a long-time commitment to seeking paths to greater sustainability.

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, and then obtaining a master’s degree in Production Engineering, at Birmingham University in the UK, Peter pursued a career in manufacturing industries in the UK and Canada. This culminated in managing a housing prefabrication plant in Churchill, Manitoba, for the provincial government. This was a stepping stone to a second career, in the Research Division of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in Ottawa.

He is now President of RESTCo an Ottawa-based engineering research and science company involved in energy security for remote communities and in oil spill cleanup technology.