European Offshore Wind and HVDC
Europe is committed to an ambitious energy transition, aiming to become the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Offshore wind energy and HVDC technology are pivotal to achieving this goal. In this presentation, the state-of-the-art of HVDC and offshore wind in Europe will be presented. Specifically, the driving forces, electrical design, and technical challenges of building the Danish Offshore Energy Islands will be discussed.
Gen Li received his Ph.D. degree at Cardiff University as a Marie Curie Researcher. He is now an Associate Professor at Technical University of Denmark. His research interests include control and protection of DC technologies, offshore wind, offshore energy islands and power electronics based power systems. Dr. Gen is a Chartered Engineer in the U.K., an IET Professional Registration Advisor, a Young Editorial Board Member of Applied Energy, an Associate Editor of the CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems and IET Energy Systems Integration, an Editorial Board Member of CIGRE ELECTRA. He received the CIGRE NGN Significant Contribution Award in 2024 and the First CIGRE Thesis Award in 2018. He is now a Steering Committee Member of CIGRE Denmark NGN, a Member of CIGRE Working Group B4.96 and a Member of IEEE PELS Publicity Committee.

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