Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor Status

Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor (ADDS)

Faculty members must have Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor (ADDS) status in order to solely supervise PhD students and be eligible for specific committees and positions associated with graduate studies.

ADDS status is described in further detail on the Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs website.

The process to request ADDS status in Engineering is as follows:

  1. Review the five ADDS criteria on the GSPA website. A University-provided workshop for PhD Supervision is available through the Centre for Teaching Excellence
  2. Submit a written request to the Chair/Director of your Department/School.  Provide your full academic CV and identify how you meet all five ADDS criteria by filling out the Qualifications for Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisors form (available through your PhD Department Coordinator and/or Assistant to the Chair)
  3. Your Chair/Director ​will confirm that you have met all five criteria and will then submit your request along with their recommendation to the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies for approval.

  4. If the Associate Dean, Gradate Studies approves, they will send the request to the Associate Provost, Graduate Studies for final approval.

The Engineering Graduate Studies Office will inform the applicant and Department Chair/Director of the outcome.