
As a world leader in co-operative education, career education, experiential learning and work-integrated learning (WIL), Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) supports several provincial, national and international WIL associations. Our dedicated staff volunteer as partners with WIL practitioners from other leading institutions to advance work-integrated learning programs and practices across the globe.

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada)

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada), is the lead organization for work-integrated learning in Canada. CEWIL Canada's mission is to build the capacity to develop future-ready students and graduates through quality work-integrated learning. They partner with post-secondary institutions, community members, employers, government, and students to champion work-integrated learning (WIL). CEWIL Canada has accredited Waterloo’s full complement of undergraduate co-op programs.

How we’re involved:

CEE’s Judene Pretti, Director of Business Services, was nominated as the President-elect for CEWIL’s Board of Directors in 2021. Several University of Waterloo leaders have served as Past President and on committee for CEWIL including Anne Fannon, Director of the Work-Learn Institute who served as CEWIL President in 2016/17.   

World Association for Co-operative and Work-Integrated Education (WACE)

WACE is the only international professional organization dedicated to developing, expanding, branding and advocating for cooperative & work-integrated education programs within industry and educational institutions. WACE acknowledges and embraces all forms of experiential learning utilized by industry and educational institutions to prepare the next generation of global professionals.

How we’re involved:

Associate Provost, CEE, Dr. Norah McRae has been a member of WACE since 1998 and is current WACE Vice-Chair, Strategic Operations and head of the WACE Secretariate, University of Waterloo. Fannon currently serves as CEWIL’s co-chair of Government and External Relations and has been active member of WACE for 10 years. Joe Henhoeffer, executive officer of CEE, serves as WACE’s appointed treasurer. The University is a full institutional member of WACE.

Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE)

CACEE is Canada's national network connecting career educators and employers. Through the sharing of collective knowledge and experience, CACEE members are empowered to succeed in meeting their respective workforce and career development objectives.

How we’re involved:

CEE has been active with CACEE since the organization was first recognized by the University Counselling and Placement Association (UCPA). Through the years, CEE staff have held numerous roles within CACEE, including President, President-Elect, and VP Educator. Currently, CEE representatives participate on the Ontario Regional Advisory Board and in events, conferences and sponsorship opportunities with CACEE.

Co-operative Education & Internship Association (CEIA)

Co-operative Education & Internship Association (CEIA) remains the leader in providing professional development and resources to practitioners in the fields of co-operative education and internship program management. The original mission of the organization, as envisioned by its founders in 1963, is carried out through an expanding number of training activities including an annual national conference, along with support and encouragement for on-going research and publications.

How we’re involved: 

CEE is an active member of CEIA. Our involvement includes holding several governance and committee roles. 

Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning Ontario (EWO)

Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning Ontario (EWO) is a provincial non-profit comprised of post-secondary, publicly funded institutions in Ontario that offers support for practitioners in the field of co-operative education, work-integrated and experiential learning. EWO is comprised of 26 member institutions from Ontario’s Universities and Colleges with 290 members.

How we’re involved:

Waterloo is a member of EWO. Our involvement includes holding several committee roles including multiple co-chair positions.