A timeline of Waterloo’s new WE Accelerate program
By: Matt King and Namish Modi
First work term co-op students sometimes find it challenging to find their first job. Unfortunately, that challenge was further amplified because of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of CEE’s strategic priorities is to future-proof our students by equipping and empowering them to succeed. Given the global economic situation, Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) identified the need to address this issue while recognizing the opportunity to build and develop talent for a complex future.
CEE decided the solution was to launch a brand-new work-integrated learning (WIL) program called Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate. The program is dedicated to helping co-op students who are unable to find a co-op position in their first work term and began with a pilot in Spring 2021 for students whose job search was impacted by the economic challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
“The pandemic created unique and unexpected challenges for our students, and we are excited to introduce more flexible ways for them to upskill and engage in meaningful work-integrated learning,” says Dr. Norah McRae, Associate Provost, CEE.
The WE Accelerate Program not only helps students secure team-based project experiences, but through the exemplary efforts of our employers and industry partners it also helps students develop vital skills to navigate a complex future of work.
The development of WE Accelerate began with an analysis of more than 74,000 job descriptions to identify the skills that employers were looking for in the changing world of work. CEE then leveraged existing relationships with co-op employers to help create the curriculum and skills development components for students.
“This is very much the heart of work-integrated learning. There is learning and then there’s the application of that learning in a workplace setting. Learning is assessed while the students are supported and then there’s a reflective component,” says McRae. “Those are the key components of quality work-integrated learning and we used that as the backbone for this program.”
CEE is committed to centering our work in equity, diversity and inclusion. The team carefully considered the fact that students may face obstacles to participating in the program and intentionally focused on addressing those barriers. Specifically, without the paid work experience they would have had during a co-op work term many students faced significant financial obstacles.
“We met with student members of the CEE Student Equity Advisory Group who identified some key barriers to participation,” says Brent Thornhill, Co-op student experience manager. “To address these concerns, we developed the program to be flexible enough to enable students to work part-time, take courses while participating, and be eligible for funding regardless of citizenship.”
The financial challenge raised by students was the driving force behind applying for a federal funding grant to supply students with a stipend for their participation in WE Accelerate. “In the spring and fall terms, we were able to successfully attain $500,000 in federal funding for Canadian students in WE Accelerate. The University of Waterloo Provost provided additional funds for international students in the program. In the end, each student that successfully participated in the program received a $1000 stipend,” says McRae.
Since its inception, the program has secured more than $700,000 in financial support for students to date.
The success of the program is apparent. Students who participated in the spring pilot of WE Accelerate are already seeing results from future-proofing their skills and the work experience they gained during the group projects.
"If it weren't for WE Accelerate, I don't know if the co-op experience would have been as smooth as it was this time around," says Shaili Kadakia, a Mathematics student and WE Accelerate pilot participant. “I think the main thing employers are looking for when they're hiring students, and really anyone, is experience. Building a project with five other students and then working in a small company as part of WE Accelerate, I think that really helped me stand out and it gave me what I was missing.”
The WE Accelerate program is not specifically targeted to students in a certain program, or those eyeing specific careers, but rather developing those in-demand skills that students can then leverage in a variety of future co-op positions and their future career.
“When I was looking into WE Accelerate, I vividly remember reading that they went through a bunch of job descriptions and found that there were the certain skills that employers were looking for the most,” says Aseel Osma, Engineering student and WE Accelerate Spring 2021 participant. “In my case, the skills I was able to put on my resume from WE Accelerate were exactly what my employer was looking for.”
The WE Accelerate program has been given the support of the Provost and Associate Deans to continue until the end of the 2022 calendar year. Learn more about WE Accelerate in the timeline below:
April 2021: WE Accelerate unveiled
University of Waterloo Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) launched its brand-new work-integrated learning (WIL) program, Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate. CEE worked with industry partners to develop this program which features a skills development component, a group-based project work experience and career education culminating in a summative reflection at the end of the term.
Watch the "What is Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate?" video.
May 2021: Students enter first term of WE Accelerate
The first iteration of WE Accelerate begins just five months after developing the concept for this new, innovative program. The first cohort of students participate in a week of synchronous career training. That training will prepare them for the skills training and work experience components, which are created in partnership with leaders from a variety of key industries.
“We deliver the career curriculum in two parts. Students spend their first week in the program thinking about how to get the most out of the next two months. Then they come back for a final week of reflection that helps them leverage the skills and experience they just gained.”
- Jamieson Cox, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, WIL Programs
June 2021: Students enter skills training portion of WE Accelerate
CEE aligns the WE Accelerate program streams with the most in-demand skills that employers are looking for. Depending on which of the skills streams a student chooses, they are led through relevant skills training by industry organizations that teamed up with CEE to create the program.
Skill streams and industry partners in the Spring 2021 term are:
- Azure and AI Fundamentals | Microsoft
- Modern Web Application Design | Manulife
- Human-centered Design | Deloitte
- Brightspace Training | D2L
- Innovation | Concept by Velocity , IC3, TRANSFORM and the Problem Lab
- Digital Bootcamp | Vidyard
Students in each stream have the opportunity to interact with industry professionals, whether working closely together as business coaches or as guest speakers during a weekly session.
“What's great with WE Accelerate, and why Deloitte is so attracted to it, is trying to bring the skill development into learning much closer to work itself. In particular, was having students directly build skills while solving and doing real work.”
- Peter Tulumello, Senior Manager, Learning Advisory and Ecosystems Consulting at DeloitteWatch the "Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate Skills" video.
July 2021: Students begin project experience portion of WE Accelerate
CEE staff place students into teams of five and each team chooses a project experience to work on for approximately 120 hours over the term. CEE employment relations staff source projects for some of the student teams in the streams offered during WE Accelerate. The products and deliverables vary slightly depending on the skill streams chosen at the beginning of the program.
“For many WE Accelerate participants, the project experience represents the first ‘real’ work they can put on their resume. Not only are they using the skills they just developed, but they’re doing so alongside peers with different academic and cultural backgrounds. It’s a great way to develop those key competencies outlined in the Future Ready Talent Framework.”
- Jamieson Cox, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, WIL Programs“To see that our students came in here with so little experience and were able to achieve so much. At the beginning of this, I think I would have never thought that they were able to accomplish such outstanding projects.”
- Kavir Gopaul, WE Accelerate Team leadWatch the "Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate Projects" video.
July 2021: WE Accelerate continues in Fall term
After a successful pilot in the spring, CEE announces that the WE Accelerate program will repeat for Fall 2021, once again offering students an alternative option for those struggling to find a traditional co-op placement.
“WE Accelerate was wonderful. You learned skills, you practiced them and went out to try it out in the real world. That is probably the most crystal-clear idea I have had of work-integrated learning.”
- Julian Lucido, Math student & Spring 2021 WE Accelerate participant
August 2021: First WE Accelerate term officially complete
Students wrap up the program with the second half of the career component, reflecting on their experience over the term. Four hundred and seventy-four students complete the first iteration of the WE Accelerate program. Fifty-four per cent of students report being completely or somewhat satisfied with their experience in the program. Each of the students who successfully complete the program are given a $1,000 stipend. The Government of Canada’s innovative work-integrated learning program and CEWIL Canada’s iHub funded the $1,000 award for each domestic student in the pilot program. Funding for international students is provided by the University’s Provost.
September – November 2021: Fall term of WE Accelerate
The second iteration of the WE Accelerate program is offered in Fall 2021. The program follows the same format as the pilot but with fewer skill streams and industry collaborators due to a smaller cohort of students.
The skill streams and industry collaborators in the Fall 2021 term are:
- Microsoft Azure Artificial Intelligence | Microsoft
- Modern Web Application Design | Manulife
- Digital Bootcamp | Vidyard
“Programs like WE Accelerate aligns perfectly with the future work concepts of continuous improvement and continuous learning and that's just something that Manulife just really embraces.”
- Naveed Zahid, AVP, Engineering Transformation at Manulife
- Nov
December 2021: Fall iteration of WE Accelerate concludes
Fall 2021 WE Accelerate program wraps up with 96 students successfully completing the fall offering.
“The outcome we are looking for here is that when these students go for their next co-op work term, they’ve got that experience and those extra skills under their belt, and that they are more successful when they’re seeking their next work term. We hope their employment path through co-op is easier as a result of having engaged in this program.”
- Dr. Norah McRae
January 2022: WE Accelerate will continue through 2022
The Winter 2022 iteration of the program continues with 229 students in the five skill streams offered. CEE also announces, with the support of the Associate Deans, that the WE Accelerate program will be offered to first work term students in the Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 terms.