Dr. Mushu Li will join Lehigh University, USA, as an assistant professor
Dr. Mushu Li will join Lehigh University, USA, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Li all the best in her future career!
Dr. Mushu Li will join Lehigh University, USA, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Li all the best in her future career!
Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen and some BBCR members attended the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC, one of two IEEE ComSoc's flagship conferences) on June 9-13, 2024, in Denver, USA.
Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu won the Second Prize and the Third Prize, respectively, in the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT) final competition held at IEEE ICC 2024 in Denver, USA, on June 11, 2024, for their excellent technical contributions and clear presentations. Congratulations!
IEEE ComSoc organizes the 4MT Competition at the ICC 2024 and awards Ph.D. students who clearly explain their research projects and technical contributions to non-specialist audiences in just four minutes with 4MT Competition Awards.
Our project titled "Reconfiguration-Cost-Efficient Virtual Network Embedding in Satellite Networks" by Zhixuan Tang, Conghao Zhou, and Shisheng Hu, supervised by Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, won the Best Innovative Concept Project at the Workshop “Leaders of Tomorrow” hosted by IEEE Toronto Section on June 7, 2024, in Toronto, ON, Canada. Congratulations!
The IEEE Toronto VTS/ComSoc/YP (Vehicular Technology, Communication, and Young Professions) Chapters award young professionals or students who present an innovative engineering design and demonstrate a significant technical project in the workshop “Leaders of Tomorrow” with the Best Innovative Concept Award.
Dr. Liang Xue will join York University, Canada, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Xue all the best in her future career!
Bicheng Guo held a pizza lunch and said farewell to all BBCR members.
Prof. Sherman Shen attended IEEE INFOCOM 2024 on May 20, 2024, in Vancouver, Canada. In the opening session, Prof. Shen introduced four newly elevated IEEE Fellows.
Dr. Kaige Qu held a pizza lunch and said farewell to all BBCR members. Meanwhile, former BBCR members Prof. Kan Zheng and Lei Lei visited BBCR at UW.
Prof. Sherman Shen attended IEEE Globecom (one of two IEEE ComSoc's flagship conferences) on December 4-8, 2023, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As President of IEEE ComSoc, Prof. Shen gave welcome remarks.
Prof. Sherman Shen attended IEEE 6G Summit Singapore, on December 1, 2023, in Singapore. As President of IEEE ComSoc, Prof. Shen gave an opening remark and a speech on "6G - Holistic Network Virtualization and Edge Intelligence".