Dr. Huaqing Wu has joined the University of Calgary, Canada, as an assistant professor
Dr. Huaqing Wu has joined the University of Calgary, Canada, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Wu all the best in her future career!
Dr. Huaqing Wu has joined the University of Calgary, Canada, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Wu all the best in her future career!
Prof. Sherman Shen hosted the Awards Ceremony at IEEE ICC 2022. As the President of IEEE ComSoc, Prof. Shen presented the IEEE ComSoc paper awards.
In May 2022, Manaf Ben Yahya successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis. Manaf joins Huawei Canada Inc., Toronto, Canada as a Network Engineer. Congratulations to Manaf and wish him all the best in his future career!
Prof. Sherman Shen attended IEEE WCNC 2022 in Austin, Texas, USA. As the President of IEEE ComSoc, he gave welcome remarks at the conference.
Prof. Sherman Shen gave a keynote speech: "How IEEE ComSoc Can Help Your Career Development", at IEEE ComSoc Student Tech Leadership Conference 2022, Austin, Texas, USA.
Dr. Mushu Li has been awarded the prestigious 2022 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations to Mushu!
Dr. Zijun Gong has joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Guangzhou, China, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Gong all the best in his future career!
Dr. Mushu Li was recognized at Fall 2021 Convocation as a University Finalist for the Alumni Gold Medal at the doctoral level. Congratulations to Mushu! [news]
Prof. Shen and other BBCR members attended the 2021 New Frontiers in Control, Computing and Communication, at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, on Oct 17, 2021.
Dr. Haixia Peng has joined the California State University, Long Beach, USA, as an assistant professor. Wish Dr. Peng all the best in her future career!