Variable names

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Variable names

Variable Units Description
TA deg C Air temperature, instantaneous measurement
TA_height  m Height at which air temperature measurement occurs 
NEE_CHAMBER_DD  gC m-2 d-1  Chamber measured net ecosystem exchange of CO2 
NEE_CHAMBER_ORIG  As reported  Chamber measured net ecosystem exchange of CO2 in original units reported 
RECO_CHAMBER_DD  gC m-2 d-1  Ecosystem respiration measured by chamber 
RECO_CHAMBER_ORIG  As reported  Ecosystem respiration measured by chamber in original units reported 
GPP_CHAMBER_DD  gC m-2 d-1  Gross primary production estimated by chamber using NEE and Reco 
GPP_CHAMBER_ORIG  As reported  Gross primary production estimated by chamber using NEE and Reco in original units reported 
RSOIL_CHAMBER_DD  gC m-2 d-1  Soil respiration measured by chamber 
RSOIL_CHAMBER_ORIG  As reported  Soil respiration measured by chamber in original units reported 
RPLANT_CHAMBER_DD  gC m-2 d-1  Plant (autotrophic) respiration as estimated by chamber 
RPLANT_CHAMBER_ORIG  As reported  Plant (autotrophic) respiration as estimated by chamber in original units reported 
FCH4_CHAMBER_DD  gC m-2 d-1  Net methane flux measured by chamber 
FCH4_CHAMBER_ORIG  As reported  Net methane flux measured by chamber in original units reported 
WTD  cm Water table depth (negative values indicate below the surface) 
TS  Deg C  Soil temperature, specify depth with _value and include details in variable description (e.g., TS_10 is soil temperature at 10 cm depth) 
MOSS_BROWN  nondimensional  Presence (1) or absence (0) of brown moss 
MOSS_SPHAGNUM  nondimensional  Presence (1) or absence (0) of Sphagnum 
ERI_SHRUB  nondimensional  Presence (1) or absence (0) of Ericaceous shrubs 
AERENCHYMATOUS  nondimensional  Presence (1) or absence (0) of aerenchymatous plants 
TREE  nondimensional  Presence (1) or absence (0) of trees 
DOM_VEG_CHAMBER  nondimensional  Dominant vegetation type in the chamber measurement plot (moss_brown, moss_sphagnum, eri_shrub, aerenchymatous, tree, other) 
LAI  cm2 cm-2  Leaf area index 
PLOTBIO_LGTR_LIVE  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, live large tree biomass 
PLOTBIO_SMTR_LIVE  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, live small tree biomass 
PLOTBIO_LGSHRUB_LIVE  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, large shrub biomass 
PLOTBIO_SMSHRUB_LIVE  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, small shrub biomass 
PLOTBIO_HERB  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, herb biomass 
PLOTBIO_BRYO  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, bryophyte biomass 
PLOTBIO_ERISHRUB  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, Ericaceous shrub biomass 
PLOTBIO_SEDGE  Mg ha-1  Plot-level, sedge biomass 
PERMAFROST  N.A. Presence of permafrost (1, present, 0 absent) 
ACTIVE_DPT  cm Depth of active layer at time of sampling when permafrost is present 
ORG_C_MGHA  Mg ha-1  Total soil organic carbon mass per unit area of the soil profile 
MICROFORM  N.A. The specific peatland microform sampled (for chamber flux, biomass, coring, etc.) (flark, hummock, lawn, pool, hollow, string) 
BULK_DENSITY  g cm-3  Bulk density of soil sample 
ASH  % Ash content of soil sample 
VON_POST  Von post  The humification of the sample as measured on the von Post scale. Integer between 1-10. 
C_TOT_PCT  % Total carbon content of the sample 
ORG_DEPTH  cm Depth of organic deposit at the sampling location