Thursday, September 26, 2024
Variable names
Variable | Units | Description |
TA | deg C | Air temperature, instantaneous measurement |
TA_height | m | Height at which air temperature measurement occurs |
NEE_CHAMBER_DD | gC m-2 d-1 | Chamber measured net ecosystem exchange of CO2 |
NEE_CHAMBER_ORIG | As reported | Chamber measured net ecosystem exchange of CO2 in original units reported |
RECO_CHAMBER_DD | gC m-2 d-1 | Ecosystem respiration measured by chamber |
RECO_CHAMBER_ORIG | As reported | Ecosystem respiration measured by chamber in original units reported |
GPP_CHAMBER_DD | gC m-2 d-1 | Gross primary production estimated by chamber using NEE and Reco |
GPP_CHAMBER_ORIG | As reported | Gross primary production estimated by chamber using NEE and Reco in original units reported |
RSOIL_CHAMBER_DD | gC m-2 d-1 | Soil respiration measured by chamber |
RSOIL_CHAMBER_ORIG | As reported | Soil respiration measured by chamber in original units reported |
RPLANT_CHAMBER_DD | gC m-2 d-1 | Plant (autotrophic) respiration as estimated by chamber |
RPLANT_CHAMBER_ORIG | As reported | Plant (autotrophic) respiration as estimated by chamber in original units reported |
FCH4_CHAMBER_DD | gC m-2 d-1 | Net methane flux measured by chamber |
FCH4_CHAMBER_ORIG | As reported | Net methane flux measured by chamber in original units reported |
WTD | cm | Water table depth (negative values indicate below the surface) |
TS | Deg C | Soil temperature, specify depth with _value and include details in variable description (e.g., TS_10 is soil temperature at 10 cm depth) |
MOSS_BROWN | nondimensional | Presence (1) or absence (0) of brown moss |
MOSS_SPHAGNUM | nondimensional | Presence (1) or absence (0) of Sphagnum |
ERI_SHRUB | nondimensional | Presence (1) or absence (0) of Ericaceous shrubs |
AERENCHYMATOUS | nondimensional | Presence (1) or absence (0) of aerenchymatous plants |
TREE | nondimensional | Presence (1) or absence (0) of trees |
DOM_VEG_CHAMBER | nondimensional | Dominant vegetation type in the chamber measurement plot (moss_brown, moss_sphagnum, eri_shrub, aerenchymatous, tree, other) |
LAI | cm2 cm-2 | Leaf area index |
PLOTBIO_LGTR_LIVE | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, live large tree biomass |
PLOTBIO_SMTR_LIVE | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, live small tree biomass |
PLOTBIO_LGSHRUB_LIVE | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, large shrub biomass |
PLOTBIO_SMSHRUB_LIVE | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, small shrub biomass |
PLOTBIO_HERB | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, herb biomass |
PLOTBIO_BRYO | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, bryophyte biomass |
PLOTBIO_ERISHRUB | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, Ericaceous shrub biomass |
PLOTBIO_SEDGE | Mg ha-1 | Plot-level, sedge biomass |
PERMAFROST | N.A. | Presence of permafrost (1, present, 0 absent) |
ACTIVE_DPT | cm | Depth of active layer at time of sampling when permafrost is present |
ORG_C_MGHA | Mg ha-1 | Total soil organic carbon mass per unit area of the soil profile |
MICROFORM | N.A. | The specific peatland microform sampled (for chamber flux, biomass, coring, etc.) (flark, hummock, lawn, pool, hollow, string) |
BULK_DENSITY | g cm-3 | Bulk density of soil sample |
ASH | % | Ash content of soil sample |
VON_POST | Von post | The humification of the sample as measured on the von Post scale. Integer between 1-10. |
C_TOT_PCT | % | Total carbon content of the sample |
ORG_DEPTH | cm | Depth of organic deposit at the sampling location |