Develop and evaluate Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) representation of undeveloped peatlands


In order to evaluate greenhouse gas emission reductions from avoiding peatland conversion, contemporary carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes across a range of peatland types and geographic regions must be quantified, along with their response to future climate change and natural disturbances. Climate change will increase fire frequency and intensity in Canada as fire-conducive weather, ignition sources (lightning, people), and fuel increase. Warmer weather and drier peat could greatly impact the carbon budgets of peatlands even without fire and with fire, these climate conditions could enhance the area, depth, and duration of peatland burning, which will increase carbon emissions. The depth and severity of the burn also impacts the recovery of northern peatland carbon sequestration function. Permafrost thaw is increasing under climate change and permafrost thaw increases nitrogen availability leading to enhanced nitrous oxide emissions, the third most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide and methane.

Activity Outline

  • Further develop the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) model’s ability to simulate peatland carbon stocks and greenhouse gas exchanges with the atmosphere
  • Develop a process-based model of peatland fire and recovery to investigate the impacts of fire and fire management actions on site-level and regional peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Produce Canada-wide simulations of Canadian peatland carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes under various climate and management scenarios