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Project leads
Greg McDermid, University of Calgary
Erin Bayne, UAlberta
Scott Nielsen, UAlberta
Scott Ketcheson, 
Athabasca University
Maria Strack, UWaterloo
Julia Linke, 
University of Calgary

07/15/2020 - 07/14/2025

Study area
Lower Athabasca, Alberta, Canada

Main objectives
To understand effects of human disturbance on boreal ecosystems, develop strategies for restoration and develop tools to support decision-making on management in the boreal region.

For more information:

Project leads
Fereidoun Rezanezhad (University of Waterloo)
Philippe Van Cappellen (University of Waterloo)
Jonathan Price (University of Waterloo)
William L. Quinton (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Nathan Basiliko (Lakehead University)
Pascale Roy-Leveillee (Université Laval)
Christina Smeaton (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Kara Webster (Canadian Forest Service Great Lakes Forestry Centre (CFS-GLFC) - Natural Resources Canada)
Nancy Goucher (University of Waterloo)

03/01/2019 - 02/28/202

Study area

Main objectives
The goal of this project is to advance the fundamental, process-based understanding of the function of soil biogeochemical processes in cold region environments during the fall-winter and winter-spring transitions and during the non-growing season (NGS) by creating the foundation for the predictive modelling of winter carbon losses in cold region wetland ecosystems under current and future climates. This research project mainly focuses on 1) determining the hydrological and climatic factors driving microbial NGS carbon cycling and 2) integrating the information and data gained into models describing the underlying processes controlling NGS emissions for incorporation into the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS).

For more information:

Project leads
Megan Schmidt, University of Waterloo
Dr. Maria Strack, University of Waterloo

Start date

Study area
Southern Ontario, Canada

Main objectives
Assessing C cycling and stores in swamps across Southern Ontario.
Looking at soil CH4 and CO2 flux, tree stem flux, biomass, productivity, decomposition.

For more information:

Project leads
Dr. Maria Strack, University of Waterloo
Dr. Nicole Balliston, University of Waterloo

08/01/2023 - 05/01/2026

Study area
Mushkegowuk Traditional Territory in the Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario, Canada

Main objectives
Assessing seasonal and interannual hydrological fluxes within HBL peatlands
Estimating water bound lateral carbon fluxes within HBL peatlands

For more information:

Project leads
Oluwabamsie L. Afolabi, University of Waterloo
Hongxing He, McGill University
Maria Strack, University of Waterloo

Start date

Study area
Beverly Swamp in Southern Ontario, Canada

Main objective
To assess the potential impacts of climate change on temperate swamp carbon cycling in Southern Ontario, Canada