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Project leads
Jade Skye, MSc Student, University of Victoria
Joe Melton, Supervisor, Environment and Climate Change Canada

09/06/2022 08/18/2024

Study area

Main objective
The goal of this project is to estimate global peatland carbon stocks using peatland depth and carbon density products predicted using Machine Learning. A secondary objective is to aid efforts to better represent peatlands in Earth System Models by providing more accurate initial conditions

For more information:

Project leads
Maryam Bayatvarkeshi, University of Waterloo
Dr. Maria Strack, University of Waterloo
Dr. Scott Ketcheson, 
Athabasca University

09/01/2021 08/31/202

Study areas
Kirby site in Conklin, AB
Maqua site in Fort McMurray, AB

Main objectives
1. Measuring actual evapotranspiration in seismic lines and adjacent forests
2. Collecting weather variables in seismic lines and adjacent forests
3. Calculating water balance in seismic lines and adjacent forests
4. Modeling water balance on local and large scale

Project leads
Oluwabamsie L. Afolabi, University of Waterloo
Hongxing He, McGill University
Maria Strack, University of Waterloo

Start date

Study area
Beverly Swamp in Southern Ontario, Canada

Main objective
To assess the potential impacts of climate change on temperate swamp carbon cycling in Southern Ontario, Canada