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Project leads
Kayla Martin, University of Waterloo
Dr. Maria Strack, University of Waterloo

09/01/2022 - 06/30/2023

Study area

Main objectives
Improve the estimates of greenhouse gas emission factors for restored peatlands, incorporating multiple sites with varying hydrological, meteorological conditions and specific restoration techniques.
Allow for investigation of physical and biological variables that best predict greenhouse gas exchange and can be used as proxies for greenhouse gas fluxes.

For more information:

Project leads
Megan Schmidt, University of Waterloo
Dr. Maria Strack, University of Waterloo

Start date

Study area
Southern Ontario, Canada

Main objectives
Assessing C cycling and stores in swamps across Southern Ontario.
Looking at soil CH4 and CO2 flux, tree stem flux, biomass, productivity, decomposition.

For more information: